ServicesProper eye care is important for people of all ages and regular eye exams are encouraged for everyone, but especially for those already using glasses or contact lenses. Your vision plays a vital role in your life each and every day, which is why it is so important to take the right steps for maintaining good eye health. At Dawson Eye Group, we provide a variety of services, from general exams to corrective surgery. We also carry a wide selection of eye frames for our patients as well.

Eye Exams – Everyone needs regular eye exams. It’s important for adults to schedule eye exams to monitor their eye health and check for problems. Conditions that are often detected during eye exams include glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy. Early detection of these conditions allows for the widest range of treatment options and the best chance of slowing or reversing any symptoms.

Contact Lens Exam – The field of optometry changes quickly, and now many more patients are able to enjoy the flexibility of wearing contact lenses to correct their vision. Contact lens exams include tests that are not always performed in regular eye exams, so if you are considering contact lenses, be sure to let us know when you schedule your exam. This allows us to schedule the extra time required for contact lens fitting or prescription updates.

Multifocal Contacts – Multifocal contact lenses are not your grandparents’ bifocals. They are designed to help people who have trouble with their vision, both close up and far away. This condition is called presbyopia. Because multifocal contact lenses are more complex than normal contacts, it is important to have the perfect fit so you can see as well as possible. It may take a little extra time and cost a little bit more, but it is worth having good vision without needing your thick eyeglasses.

Vision Corrections – Our goal is for you to have the best vision possible. In addition to our eye exams, we measure how your eyes see with wall and reading eye charts. This allows us to describe your vision using a fraction scale, where 20/20 represents normal vision. Based on your vision, our optometrists will recommend vision corrections such as traditional glasses, contact lenses, surgery, or other alternatives.

Astigmatism – Astigmatism is one of the most common vision conditions; most people have some form of astigmatism. Astigmatism can be caused by an irregular shaped cornea or curvature of the lens, and can lead to blurred vision. Our examinations test for astigmatism using a phoropter and retinoscope, which measure refraction. Depending on the amount of astigmatism, we can provide eyeglasses or contact lenses to help correct your condition.

Near and Farsightedness – Nearsightedness, known as myopia, makes it difficult to see objects far away and is caused when images are focused in front of the retina. Farsightedness, known as hyperopia, makes it difficult to see objects that are close and is caused when images are focused behind the retina. Both nearsightedness and farsightedness can be treated with corrective lenses such as glasses or contact lenses. If you are experiencing trouble seeing objects that are far away or close up, contact us today.

Frames – Glasses, more than ever, say a lot about your personality, style, and fashion. Selecting the right frames can be confusing and daunting, especially for first time patients. Our staff has a great deal of experience helping patients find the best frames for them – taking into account budget, medical needs, lifestyle, and appearance. We are here to help you find the perfect look, while also correcting your vision.

Computer Vision – Computer Vision is a relatively new term within the optometry field and refers to eye problems associated with the prolonged use of computers and electronics that use a digital screen. Although it can be temporary, there are times when computer vision can strain the eyes to a degree that permanently affects your vision as well. An existing eye condition can worsen as the eyes try to focus and adjust to a computer screen and precautions should be taken if you spend long hours in front of a computer screen.

Sports Vision – Sports Vision training involves high level eye tracking, depth perception, and hand-eye coordination. Many athletes will practice these exercises to keep their eye health in peak condition. There are various exercises and specific exams used for Sports Vision testing. Office tests and field can both help determine how your eye will function beyond the realm of normal activity. We can customize a program to strengthen your vision based on your level of activity.

Sunglasses – Sunglasses are designed to protect your eyes from sunlight. While all tinted lenses help to protect your eyes from sunlight, some will protect your eyes better than others. Sunglasses with lenses that block ultraviolet sunlight are the best option. Although sunglasses can be expensive, there are many affordable brands that provide great protection from harmful sunlight as well. If you are interested in finding the best brand of sunglasses for your lifestyle, we can help you find them.

Stye Treatment – A stye is caused by a blocked gland. A bump (called a stye) is formed. There are two different types, which are treated differently so it is important to be seen by an ophthalmologist so you know that they will treat your stye the right way. Treatment of the cause of the stye is important so that it does not come right back! We will work with you to get rid of the cause of your stye so you don’t have to worry about another one!

Dry Eye Treatment – To keep your eyes healthy, you need to have tears to provide moisture and lubrication. This is not only for your comfort, but it helps with your vision. Tears are secreted by glands around your eyes. When you do not make enough tears, you have a condition called dry eyes. There is no cure for dry eye. Instead, we have ways to make you more comfortable. There is a product called artificial tears. This comes in drops and ointments. Depending on your needs, one may work better for you.

Foreign Body Removal – When you get something in your eye, it is very important to get it out as soon as possible. Foreign objects can damage your eye causing scratches, ulcers, and even more. It is also important not to try to remove them yourself, causing even more damage! If you ever have something in your eye, we will happily remove it for you. We also use this time to ensure that you don’t have any damage from the foreign body.